Alexandra Rest Home is close to all health services, being a short distance from; Wellington, Wakefield and Southern Cross Hospitals.
For those more mobile residents, Alexandra is a short 5-minute walk from Newtown and has a bus stop at the door.
Alexandra Rest Home facilities include:
45 resident rooms (all single, with a mix of ensuite and shared services)
Main lounge area for activities
Sky TV lounge
Dining room
Courtyard and other garden areas
Our vision is to help our residents make the most of every day.
We do this by:
Having high performing, engaged and educated staff
Creating a safe and secure environment for our residents
Living a culture of continuous improvement
Providing a homely and well-maintained facilities
Sharing pride and enjoyment of our work and each other

Our Team

Pauline Claasen (Care Manager)
I have been part of the Alexandra team since 2013. I love building a close connection with our residents and providing oversight to ensure all of their needs are supported.